Learn Your Body Blueprint and Power Your ENERGY BODY!
Your Body Blueprint & Body Mindset: 52 y/o
One of the most overlooked secrets regarding weight loss and weight gain is an energy game. Weightloss…. is an energy problem. But it stands to reason right? We are energy! Without this knowledge there is only temporary, or what I like to call honeymoon weight loss. Many ride off the high of finally losing weight or finally reaching their goal, too often than not this period ends. What happens when the Honeymoon period wears off, or when you experience unexpected weight gain while in the middle of your weight loss program? Are you hard on yourself to force yourself through the struggle as you are hitting or moving towards your target weight? Have you ever been hyper-confident that you have once and for all whipped weight gain and poor health, only to be blindsided once again by your old habits; later finding yourself back in a pattern of emotional, stress, or binge eating. Then this is for you!
Honeymoon Effect
It is the Honeymoon Effect, as well as, the lack of awareness of this effect that is responsible for weight loss failures as well as other life failures.
Be done once and for all with weight loss failure and learn the secret to avoiding and overcoming the Honeymoon Effect. It is one of the major reasons 98% of all traditional and mainstream weight loss programs as well as, self-help and personal development programs fail. To avoid this failure, you must nourish three major areas and create enough power within these areas, for weight loss to be consistent and effortless.
No worries, you are already feeding these areas, you already have the power within you. You are just not nourishing these areas or powers properly. Again no worries, you will learn the simple mindset and technique.
Your ENERGY Body
There are 3 areas that if attended to and… aligned to your unique design, will forever change your body and overall life. It is a simple alignment that only takes minutes per day. The 3 areas of alignment are known as your energy body(s).
To own “your” weight loss, to own a consistent weight loss, as well as a successful weight loss maintenance, you must somehow tap into your ENERGY BODY. This is where me and my method comes in. Using a simple process and the same technique I am going to give you to nourish your body, learn how to tap into this energy body. It is through this technique, you learn how to lose “TRUE” weight and survive past the honeymoon period.
This will not only reclaim your body but reclaim or fix anything in your life. I and my clients are a living testament.
If you know simple math then you know you can will know and master your ENERGY BODY. You will tap into the three major areas using my 310 METHOD.
This technique I am giving goes by several names….my whole body Method,, as well as my favorites, the Body Blueprint and the 310 Method. The foundation of the Body Blueprint 310 Method Starts with your Physical Body Health, for it is the physical body that is the most familiar to us that activates all three of these areas in a short amount of time minutes per day. These three areas are your power centers. But it’s not enough to turn on your power centers. YOU MUST CREATE FLOW WITHIN THEM. Once you begin to create a simple flow and an alignment within these three areas, a long-lasting effect of Weight loss will begin to happen, leading to the decrease or disappearance of body/belly fat, body fatigue, low energy, stress, anxiety, and more… while…… drastically increasing energy, happiness, confidence, creativity and of course sexiness and attractiveness. Believe it! The 310 Method is simple. It is mere minutes away from you accessing it, and getting the body results you want.
The 3 Biggest Reasons Your Weight Loss Has Failed.
OVERCOME & MASTER, the three biggest problems with weight loss:
(1) WA | Weight loss Anxiety.
(The revolving door.)
Did you know there is an anxiety that comes with weight loss? Not just with weight gain but with weight loss. This is A New Revelation, Weight Loss Anxiety. 77% of people experience stress which leads to an anxiety, that affects their physical health, and 73.6% of Americans are overweight. So you see, It is no surprise that these two words are amongst the most popular problems and solutions searched on the internet today. They are of the most frequently searched terms found on Google Trends. To add, these two are highly connected. One is the cause of the other and visa versa. weight loss anxiety. This is about what anxiety does to weight loss and what weight loss does in return to anxiety, To lose weight that has protected you for so long. Do you know what this does to the body? Change these two things, and you not only change your body, but you will begin to radically and positively shift the direction of your life.
(2) weight loss maintenance.
(How to effortlessly maintain a healthy body weight?)
There is a Magic trigger and switch within you that I will show you to help you monitor and maintain your weight. This is also known a your “magic number”.Once I show you how to find your trigger, Magic number and access it, it will give you once and for all control and mastery over your body and weight.
(3) Regain.
(Revisiting of old habits?)
Regain is an old pattern not yet believing in the new pattern. You can prevent regain by connecting with the magic number within your blueprint. Your magic number is a code language that tells the old pattern(s) of emotional eating, binge eating, sugar dependency, and poor health that the new pattern is okay now, it can fade away now; and that the new pattern of optimal health, success eating, and low stress will take it from here. By developing a simple relationship with your Body Blueprint and this magic number, you will be able to absolutely control or avoid weight gain. This is what I call, “knowing your body language”.
Body Language
What Is Your Body Language....? It Is Time To Learn your Body Language!
Your body speaks a language and to achieve consistent once and for all Weight loss….. A healthy you…. You must learn your body language.
Complicated? No… Simple? Yes! It is simple because your body speaks to you all of the time but your are not listening to it or are not yet familiar on how to listen to it. Why? Because the world’s trappings have thrown out of alignment, out of sync, you don’t know what it is really saying to you. It is confusing and hard to hear it with all of the distractions and noises in life, With all of its conditionings and trappings. HYPNOTHERAPY helps turndown that noise and hear and talk to your greater mind. You will be amazed with just this method alone it will not only affect your body and health, it will ripple into and throughout the remainder of your life. I always say that you can’t change what you don’t know. There are 2 other languages that have been control your weight loss and health that I will reveal to you once you begin your session.
The Ripple Effect
The Beautiful & Powerful thing about the tools, methods, and ingredients I use, is there is one specific ingredient of Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy) where together we can tap into your subconscious minds and create a profound ripple effect. (Yes I said minds with a plural. Join and learn). Hypnosis is scientifically known to accelerate and fortify your desired habits and behavior changes, such as your desire to lose weight and achieve better health and body.
(1)Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis).
(how to effortlessly maintain a healthy body weight)
There is a trigger(s) and switch(s) within you that I will show you how to find and access. This will give you once and for all control and mastery over your body and weight… And beyond.
(2) Tap Into Your Greater Mind .
(Revisiting of old habits) Learn how to Tap into your greater mind. They say we only use 10% of your mind, but the truth is we only know how to listen to 10% of our mind, which limits the usage of your mind. How to listen and then use a greater percentage…. Why not heck 100%? You do this by understanding the cousin to body language… Mind Language. More specifically, YOUR Mind Language. Hypnosis is the connector and bridge.
Weight loss….. A healthy you. You want it… and guess what?…. It’s okay to want it….You deserve it, and…..It is time.
The success, the wealth, vibrant glowing health, a sense of value and a sense of service, and FYI….. It all starts with Health. Not just any health, ENERGY HEALTH. Remember the energy body we just talked about? I too wanted these same things, wealth, health, and to find my purpose, but I was battling life instead of working with it, flowing with it.
As a result of battling with life, instead of flowing with life, I fell into a darkness of frustrating chronic fatigue, and failing health, coupled with a paralyzing heartbreak. Combined, it led to pressure-filled anxiety, as well as nauseating dissatisfaction. I wanted that amazingly beautiful relationship, those friendships that progressively propel you to new heights….the wealthy life… overall “that happy”. I wanted that life I could be proud of but…
I was going about it all wrong…..
Weight Loss Patterns of Success
It was here I did an about-face and began, with a fiery passion, to research life as well as access my life to find the simplest way to achieve mind-body-life success. In my quest, I uncovered natural patterns of life, the PATTERNS OF SUCCESS. I clearly began to see, life as a sequence and a series of simple systems. I later uncovered even more patterns of systems. This has led many, to describe the many successes and achievements along my journey, as living multiple lives in one.
If life is made of systems then you are made of systems. If this is so, then you must need systems. Yes, of course, it is a simple system… and of course a system unique to you. To help you to navigate weight loss and optimal health, to master it and love it! It is these systems that led me to uncover many tools, allowing me to open the door(s) that held the secrets, that lighten my burden, my heart, my soul, and overall life…. putting me IN FLOW with my ENERGY SELF. Top this off with the Organic power of hypnotherapy and you now a have life that inspires you and others.
Learn My Body Health & Weight Loss Secrets.
As a result, today I carry less anxiety, less stress, less worry, and far less fear; while having an increased confidence, courage, happiness and over excitement about life. The methods and secrets that are apart of my program, and this technique of weight loss, has again lead me to multiple achievements and successes.
Can you do this? ABSOLUTELY! This is meant for you. Actually, you are already doing it. All you need is a simple system/technique to funnel your energy as well as a guide so you can recognize that you “are” doing it, what you are doing, how to keep doing it… and do it in the right way…. as to ultimately once and for all benefit from it. Now you can be like Nike and “Just Do It” and keep doing it, and doing it and….on and on. It is time for you to learn your unique system… Learn your Body Blueprint! CLICK HERE! Learn how now!
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