Want to improve your life? I make it simple.
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Choose below Lose Weight & Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy Only (focus on a behavior/fear/goal)?
As a Dentist (Doctor of Dental Surgery), an Expert on the Doorway to Body Health…. a.k.a the mouth, I naturally found myself researching and becoming a growing expert not only on the body & weight loss, as well other doorways to life and happiness, like the doorway to the Mind, Heart, and Soul. Walking Through these doors Positively and radically changed my life and the lives of others. Allow me to show you and help you open the door you desire. Rest assured, I can positively help you, starting today!
Using Power House hypnotherapy there are several ways to truly conquer your fears, stop addictive behaviors, lose weight, change unhealthy emotional responses, or simply release old patterns to change your life for the better. In addition to traditional hypnotherapy sessions, I offer meditation classes, workshops, hypnosis for weight loss, group hypnosis sessions, and past life regressions. I am a certified practitioner for Smoking cessation, 13 Breaths, and a certified Doctor of Dental Surgery who practices hypnosis for dentistry. To Begin I have just two simple doors for you to choose from. Do you want to Lose Weight or Overcome / Make a Life Improvement?
choose now…

Weight Loss
(I want to lose weight)

Want weight loss? Want improved health? Fix these two things and lose weight, improve your of overall health, master weight loss maintenance and prevent regain.
- Emotional / Stress Eating
- Sugar Addiction
- Hynosis & Weightloss
- And More......
To learn more & Start Losing Weight Click Below.

(I want change)

Want to change or remove a behavior, fear, experience, improve performance, achieve a goal, or find your life purpose? The Power House Hypnisis Method and I can help.
- Professional & Life Anxiety / Stress
- High-performance
- Hypnodontics / Dental Fears
- And More......
See how Hypnosis improves your specific issue Click Below.
Hypnosis is a Mental state of focus, relaxation and or escapism. We naturally enter it right before bed and upon waking. We are actually in and out of hypnosis several times every day…. watching a movie/TV, Driving, etc. Hypno means sleep. Not to worry. It is a pre-sleep state, a state, where you and your subconscious mind are more suggestible to behavior change.
It is the consistent usage and application of a collection of techniques to communicate to the subconscious mind the desired change through as series of sessions. For change to truly become automatic, it needs to see the new behavior or desired change multiple times. Hypnotherapy is a power specialty that transforms and improves lives often beyond the initial desire.
Self-hypnosis is a technique that allows you to place yourself into a hypnotic state. You can not achieve as deep of a state as you would in hypnotherapy, however, it is a powerful tool to enhance the effectiveness of your hypnotherapy and weight loss sessions. It is important to make sure you have the right technique for your unique goal(s). Power House Hypnosis and I will guide you in constructing the most effective Self-Hypnosis technique that is possible for your specific needs.