48 y/o
It may seem strange that a Dentist is a Health Coach and Expert. But when you think about It makes perfect sense. One, a dentist is a Health professional, Two, they are experts at the doorway to health, the mouth. Another way of putting it, the mouth and chewing is the first phase of digesting and unlocking your food’s nutrients so they can be absorbed into your body. What happens in the mouth, is one of the most important relationships you will have with food and your health. All of your nutrients enter in through the doorway of the mouth. However, to achieve life-changing health that brings a new sense of joy and happiness in your life, while shedding those pounds, there are 2 other main doors you must find, unlock, and walk through. One such door is the doorway of the mind, and the third as well as a few other doors, I will save for when we begin our life-changing journey together.
It may seem strange that a Dentist is a Health Coach and Expert. But when you think about It makes perfect sense. One, a dentist is a Health professional, Two, they are experts at the doorway to health, the mouth. Another way of putting it, the mouth and chewing is the first phase of digesting and unlocking your food’s nutrients so they can be absorbed into your body. What happens in the mouth, is one of the most important relationships you will have with food and your health. All of your nutrients enter in through the doorway of the mouth. However, to achieve life-changing health that brings a new sense of joy and happiness in your life, while shedding those pounds, there are 2 other main doors you must find, unlock, and walk through. One such door is the doorway of the mind, and the third as well as a few other doors, I will save for when we begin our life-changing journey together.

48 y/o
home based workout results. no weights. 45-50 LBS IN 90 days…. RESULTS VARY.
It may seem strange that a Dentist is a Health Coach and Expert. But when you think about It makes perfect sense. One, a dentist is a Health professional, Two, they are experts at the doorway to health, the mouth. Another way of putting it, the mouth and chewing is the first phase of digesting and unlocking your food’s nutrients so they can be absorbed into your body. What happens in the mouth, is one of the most important relationships you will have with food and your health. All of your nutrients enter in through the doorway of the mouth. However, to achieve life-changing health that brings a new sense of joy and happiness in your life, while shedding those pounds, there are 2 other main doors you must find, unlock, and walk through. One such door is the doorway of the mind, and the third as well as a few other doors, I will save for when we begin our life-changing journey together.

48 y/o
home based workout results. no weights. 45-50 LBS IN 90 days…. RESULTS VARY.
Yes, I will take you by the hand, and 100% help you to find these doorways. For, it’s these doorways that lead to once and for all weight loss, overall, improving your weight and your relationship with food and your body. I have spent over 20 years learning and simplifying for you for what is behind the door “the body and weight loss”. I have broken it all down to simple mathematics. Simple addition and subtraction.
My journey to learn more about the Body & Mind soon became a passion of mind. This passion inspired certifications in Health Coaching, Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy. The tools that set within these ceritfications have given and amazing command over my health and body along with an unshakable joy and happiness. Every day is an amazing day for me. Of course i have trying moments, but, I no longer have bad days. Not only have these tools had an effect on me, they have also had this effect on my clients.

51 y/o
home-based workout results. no weights. weight main for over 3 yrs… RESULTS VARY.
I have lived in a mini mansion, a modest home, a leaky shack, I have also lived in my car. I have Lived in poverty stricken communities, blue collar communities as well as highly affluent communities. I have been in the homes of the top 1%, the top 10% and the bottom 89% And in all aspects I have both successfully thrived, and in the language of the world, I have also painfully failed. I have lived through love and loss, heartbreak, disappointment devastation. The type where my chest wanted to explode my heart filled with an emotion an energy a pressure and in those moments it felt like just one more anything would be unbearable. My entire body pulsating with this trapped stress trapped anxiety trapped pain.

51 y/o
home-based workout results. no weights. weight main for over 3 yrs… RESULTS VARY.
I have lived in a mini mansion, a modest home, a leaky shack, I have also lived in my car. I have Lived in poverty stricken communities, blue collar communities as well as highly affluent communities. I have been in the homes of the top 1%, the top 10% and the bottom 89% And in all aspects I have both successfully thrived, and in the language of the world, I have also painfully failed. I have lived through love and loss, heartbreak, disappointment devastation. The type where my chest wanted to explode my heart filled with an emotion an energy a pressure and in those moments it felt like just one more anything would be unbearable. My entire body pulsating with this trapped stress trapped anxiety trapped pain.
It would get so intense that my kidneys would throb so hard as if they were going throb right out of my back on to the ground. Skin hot and tingling and sometimes panic attacks and anxiety, it blindly happens… right? With no end in sight. It paralyzed me. Have you had situations like that? I have had several But through it all, I have learned and come to love the sh$t out of life. That’s right I said it…. Love the Sh$t Out of Life. This has multiple meanings as you will see in following me, as we journey together. Learn your Body Bluprint, and the POWERHOUSE, and then you will see you….. and your life, began to transform on command at every turn.
Positive and uplifting….I am an optimistic realist. I am always, every day, passionately in pursuit of all that exists in and around our human experience,. all that is behind the mysterious and illusive human behavior and conditioning. Therefore, I love to read, study, and research: books, articles, and journals about the mind, body, and soul, and how we can improve upon them.
Hypnotherapy took all of this and put it in a nice pretty package with a bow on it. I am driven, persistent, and a fighter. I am someone who’s passion is to be better, to be amazingly greater each day, each opportunity. I am someone who is devoted to do what is necessary to help the world to be better. I am someone who is committed to sharing with you all that I find, all that I have confirmed to be the necessary tools, that will lead you to a better life, a greater life, greater than you have ever imagined…. with the body and health you have so desired.
Thus far upon my journey, I have walked in and worn the shoes and hat of … a doctor (dental surgery), a behavioral specialist, a high performance athlete, a musician, a vocalist, a music producer, a teacher, a visual artist,a friend, a son, a lover….
In wearing and walking in multiple shoes, upon my journey I began to see patterns. Patterns of successful happy, efficient, low stress living as well as patterns of a failed, disruptive, chaotic, inefficient, high stress living. I began to see patterns within patterns. Smaller patterns behind those patterns. We all know of these patterns. We know of them by a more common name, BEHAVIORS. To look at a Behavior merely as just a Behavior you will remain in the wilderness without a compass under dark cloudy skies. Why? because Behaviors are a result of multiple Patterns. Just one Behavior could be made of 5, 10, 20, 100 patterns. whew right. No this is where it gets good just follow me and you will see why?
Well, I guess I will let part of the cat out of the bag. The reason why this is where it gets good is all the patterns I unearth studying psychology, chemistry, physics, biology, cosmometry (sacred geometry). They all shared this one pattern. ONE PATTERN. It is almost like a magic wand. But its not… LOL. You have to be willing and be open to do a simple new type of work.
As I began to see these patterns I began to experiment with them. I began to experiment with them as they related to me. I immersed myself in as many of the patterns that I uncovered that made up me.
The results that I began to see, were undeniable, powerful, beautiful, symphonic…. Over time, empowering me more and more. This became my passion. I began to see that we have the ability, the power, to make small simple tweaks to our life using these patterns and this one simple pattern, and with each small tweak or improvement, see exponentially greater results. I began to see true power, our true power, your true power. I began to see the pattern of thought, the pattern of action and beyond. Over the years I have experimented and researched in these many different shoes I and worn to arrive at one important revelation….. We, you, I…. have the power, the power to change, to alter our life. such as Weight loss or Health. We even possess the power to alter many lives surrounding us. The rabbit hole goes much deeper, but that is for a later date.
I don’t claim to know everything. What I do claim to know is that, as I said before, I am passionate about studying and researching the human condition, as well as the power that exist beneath the human condition that influences and shapes our behavior. I will passionately share with you my readings, studies and theories about life, success, and happiness in a refreshing clear, and simplified way that will supply you with tools to help clean the lense and open your sacred doors, so you can see, access, and receive your greatness, your love, your happiness, with more confidence, focus, efficiency, success, and health.
Together we will turn on the lights and tap into… The how and why of health, weight loss. love, happiness and what it truly means to be human. The how and the why of power and greatness. Again, I may not have all the answers but I am in it 120% to do the work necessary to move you and I closer to finding the answer as well, to simply finding the answers .
Most important, know that I am withyou.
I am with you in every word that I write. It is for you. It is for your greatness. Are you with me? Say “Heck yeaha”!!! Let’s get it start then….Right here right now. Start with the big red button below. CLICK IT, CLICK HERE, CLICK SOMETHING. GET IT STARTED. BOOK A FREE 45 MIN SESSION. Can’t wait to work with you! Weigh loss and Healthy life HERE WE COME!
Together we will turn on the lights and tap into… The how and why of health, weight loss. love, happiness and what it truly means to be human. The how and the why of power and greatness. Again, I may not have all the answers but I am in it 120% to do the work necessary to move you and I closer to finding the answer as well, to simply finding the answers .
Most important, know that I am withyou.
I am with you in every word that I write. It is for you. It is for your greatness. Are you with me? Say “Heck yeaha”!!! Let’s get it start then….Right here right now. Start with the big red button below. CLICK IT, CLICK HERE, CLICK SOMETHING. GET IT STARTED. BOOK A FREE 20 MIN SESSION. Can’t wait to work with you! Weigh loss and or a Healthy Happy life HERE WE COME!